We start off in the Rare Book Room: the special collections. The room is jam packed with goodies, and Betsy and ACCD archivist Bob Dirig have kindly prepared a couple for me to ogle at.
Resources in alternative textiles (like fur), miniatures, and other unusual formats live in this space.
The first we explore, white gloved, is a beautiful edition of Joseph Albers seminal text Interaction of Colour.
This valuable tome is a complicated set of objects made up of individually lithographed colour studies.
The plates sometimes interact with each other, and most require some careful adhering to instruction.
Betsy echoes the eternal lament of educators and librarians everywhere- many students are impatient and want/need/demand information and learning outcomes immediately- leaving more complex resources like this under-utilised. It is here, however for those with will to use it. Lucky them.
Also on show is a lovely Joseph Cornell kit including a shadow box.