The library did not acquire additional budget for digital collection development- eresources funding is taken out of journal and monograph budgets.
And it looks like they have put that funding to good use- they have some great online resources.
There is a bunch of practical, user friendly touches to their public web interface, coupled well with whizz bang technologies.
Their twitter feed sits front and centre, with the recent post
"Happy Monday! How can the library help you this week?".
This tweet is nestled in with reminders of on campus screenings, resource launches and new books. And retweets from sheppard fairey @OBEYGIANT.
Twittering, Facebooking, separate live chats with librarians using meebo, a rotating book review interface, and a new books display feature (using cover images supplied by amazon).
There is a lot going on here, but somehow it is laid out simply, visually clear and everything I (or rather, their students) need is right at my fingertips.
They employ a very cool interface using Credo, and use Credos concept map: a visual representation of how subjects and concepts are linked and interconnected.
Another innovative tool at ACCD's James Lemont Fogg Memorial Library: their app using Boopsie for Libraries.
With this app you can review, renew, place holds, search collections. Etc.
Here is a review of the free Art Center Library app.
How about you have look at all these gems yourself. And I'll keep wandering around the physical library.